Saturday, August 12, 2006

girl power

On August 3rd, my Great Grandmother turned 100 years old. 100! It's such a shocking thought. During her celebration we snapped this picture of 5 generations of women, because really, it's pretty special. All the daughters of daughters. Sadie might not understand the significance now, but when she's older I hope she appreciates this picture and the fact that the women in her family have lasting power. My Great Grandmother has been through a lot, seen a lot, and she's still going pretty strong. We all hope to have inherited her strong genes, right down to the little two year old she had her hand in creating.

Life sure is a wonderfully complex thing.


leslie said... [Reply to comment]


Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

My gram is 97, and due to her Alzheimer's, we sadly hope that she won't make it to 100.

When I look at women of that age, and think about all they've seen in their lives - the couldn't have lived in a more interesting era. Wow - everything from TV, to space exploration, to Hollywood movie stars coming and going and even just in the world of food. They knew life before Cheetos!

I couldn't have done it - I'm too soft. My gram was married on $8.25 during the Great Depression, living as a married couple with my gram's sister and brother-in-law for years (hard enough!), bearing three daughters at home (can't imagine!), and saving money like I can't (when she moved to her senior's apartment from the home they lived in for almost fifty years, she had a dozen or so shoeboxes under her bed, filled with loose change that amounted to over $3000.

They are a different breed.

swan-artegan said... [Reply to comment]

Sam, what a wonderful pic of the five generations. Just look at those five amazing and beautiful faces! Grandma really did live through many hardships and has helped produce some exceptional women indeed.

Elizabeth said... [Reply to comment]

Oh wow. That's so great Sam, I love it (and not just because I can't believe how much hair Sadie has!). I just spent the last week and a half with Ruby's Nana (Aaron's mum) and her three sisters, all of whom have amazing daughters, ranging in age from 5 to 31. I was basking in the female strength and so thankful that my daughter was born into something like that. I'm glad your great-grandma had so many generations with her. I'm sure she draws strength from all of you as well.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Ai Carumba! How utterly FANTASTIC! Do you have any idea what I'd give for the opportunity to have done this? This is so special. My folks died so young, Nan 58, Mum 45, Dad 51, there's not a 60 amongst us.

Tracy said... [Reply to comment]

wonderful. what a gift for sadie.

Deanna McFadden said... [Reply to comment]

What a great picture - it's hard to believe that she was born in 1906 - imagine the things she has seen.