Friday, April 16, 2010

deja vu

It's happening. No matter how hard I try I can't stop dwelling on my dwindling time with Sadie and Milo. And then that feeling bleeds into sadness for a disappearing babyhood. Just yesterday we took Milo's infant carseat to Goodwill and it was the last large-ish baby item we had - both Jay and I took a longing look at it when it left our hands. When Sadie was this age we were holding on to everything, knowing that someday we might decide to have a second child. But this time is different and it's harder than I imagined to say goodbye to all things baby. Luckily, one look at these big 9-month old eyes and I can forget all my trivial troubles. He's pretty magical that way.

And this photo in particular was kind of familiar to me. It turns out that I wrote a post, 5 years ago, talking about my sadness for being separated from Sadie. Perhaps I just need to stop taking pictures of my children looking up at me when I'm so struck with back-to-work anxiety?

Yeah, that sounds like a smart idea.

(And here's the pic from that post, Sadie, circa 2005. About 9 months old. Umm, is she storing nuts in those cheeks?)


Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Those cheeks are unbelievable!

lamb-things said... [Reply to comment]

Oh samantha, you are making me sad too. Don't they resemble each other at the same age. Milo is growing so fast, his first birthday will be here pretty soon.