This is what you'd call a BORING photo. But I'm posting it to show that I haven't gotten lazy, I've just been working on a monolithic slipcover for our sofa. Somehow I thought I could sew this last summer - in my third trimester!!? - so that our sofa would be complete when baby came. Yeah right, as if my beluga body could have worked this out. As I write, the slipcover is in the wash and soon our sofa will be one big sea of black denim. And then I steer clear of slipcovers for at least another year.
I'm itching to get back to more wool work. I was working on some ornaments when my workspace had to move for the third time this year. Now I'm set up in our bedroom, for better or worse. Sadie has really figured out how to move her 20 pounds around, so scissors and pins became an issue, especially since I have a habit of dropping both. And now I need to finish up a couple of skirts for my impending return to work. My new, probably unattainable goal, is to be as productive as mollychicken (who is wonderfully creative even when her kids are home on holidays!) Umm, is that a dare I've just given myself?
samantha, hope you will post a picture of the boring slipcover when it's all done. I would also like to produce as much as Molly Chicken...something else it seems always has to be done. I have made two wee softies but they are pretty hillarious....don't know if I'll have the courage to post them!
you are so right samantha. Iv'e been going through all my magazines and just want to make everything.
slipcovers...oh yes, i've done two sleeper sofas and last summer blazed through nearly 40 yards of natural cotton duck for a two- piece sectional with a gazzillion pillows *with zippers* AND piping on everything. thought i would die before i finished it. you have my respect!!
Sam, thank you so much for mentioning me.
What I must stress though, is that I truly neglect some of my 'housewiferly' duties so I can spend time at the sewing machine.
I always have a massive pile of ironing staring at me, my poor husband no longer expects any dinner on the table and if I say to the children 'Right, let's tidy up', they say 'Why, who's coming ?'
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