The sewing bug came back this week, but instead of clothes I actually sat down and made a doll. Which I don't think I've done in...years? It's funny, because dolls were kind of my thing back in 2005 when I started this blog. I just haven't been thinking dolls. Until last Friday. And then suddenly a little bunny emerged.
Like the Bundlies I made so many years ago, I imagined a doll wearing a snowsuit so just the face would be exposed. I'm Canadian through and through - everything I make has to do with keeping warm. But this time, instead of little children, why not an animal? I thought having ears popping out could be fun. And it was - it really, really was. Using up small bits of wool to make tiny scarves is pretty fun too, so there's a good chance I'll keep going. There's an almost finished fox waiting patiently on my work table.
Speaking of Canada, I've finished another novel for this year's challenge. The Emperor of Paris by CS Richardson was wonderful. Much like Richardson's other novel, the lyrical, fairytale quality of his writing really appeals to me (that this tale took place in Paris was pretty magical too). The cast of characters were charming: storytellers who couldn't read, booksellers who couldn't sell, bakery assistants who couldn't see. It's a tale of love and destiny, art and literature. I only wish I hadn't exhausted Richardson's catalogue already.
For more reading and knitting take a peek at this week's Yarnalong.