Tuesday, June 14, 2011

the boy loves owls

Hilariously, when I went looking for inspiration to make a stuffed owl I came across Meg's post from 2007 that jokes you aren't officially a craft blog until you've made a stuffed owl. Clearly I'm incredibly behind the times on this one and had no idea that owls were such a craft staple. And since my blog has a personality disorder already (is it for knitting? for sewing? random musings on my boring life?) I'm totally okay with the lack of official status. So that being said, back to owls.

Milo has a real love affair with owls. He spots them in every book, loves saying "hoot, hoot, hoot" and asks Jay to watch videos of real owls on the computer (videos which kinda freak me out - barn owls are surprisingly alien-like). With his birthday coming up, I figured making him his own stuffed owl was a slam-dunk. So over one nap this weekend, I used some fleece scraps and made this funny guy (using this image as a guide). It's not the best looking owl, but Jay assures me that Milo will love it regardless. It's soft and squishy and I'm trying my best not to start all over again.

Hoot, hoot.


  1. that's hilarious! I'm making owls for Milo's Birthday Buddy too! The Mogrunt is a huge fan of these feathered friends, insisting we draw them for him constantly. I found a cute owl ornament on a blog called "Juicy Bits" (juicy-bits.typepad) and I'm hoping to make him an owl cake. We'll see how that goes...

    Happy almost birthday, Milo!

  2. @Stephso funny! your babe's birthday isn't the 21st, is it? (you know, in case it's a solstice baby thing, this love of owls!) and speaking of cakes - these owl cupcakes are pretty fun too: http://almostunschoolers.blogspot.com/2010/08/owl-cupcakes.html

    i'm going to check out that ornament link right now!

  3. I knitted a coat and a hat for my son and attached owl buttons on them. He proudly wore his "owl hat and owl coat" for two straight years, and the hat will still fit him, I think!

  4. That's a very cute owl Samantha. Can I have one? lol.......

  5. I most definitely think that this is the best looking owl ever. Milo must be all over him.

  6. Aunty Wanda1:45 PM

    Samantha, You have mastered another feathered friend! He's adorable and I bet Milo found him squeezable and lovable!

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