Sunday, June 26, 2011

hoot hoot

With thanks to some instructions from here and a certain six year old who took care of 100% of the decorating, Milo got owl cupcakes for his birthday. I'm not sure that they really look like owls - maybe that has to do with peach slice eyes (hey, we improvised with what we had) - but Sadie told Milo they were owls and then all he kept saying was "owul, owul, owul!"

Sounds like success to me.


  1. We had an owl birthday cake! Happy Birthday, Milo, from that kid who shares your birthday on the East Coast, Mr. Mogrunt Monkeypants (also known by his given name, which is the capital of New South Wales in Australia) and his mom.

  2. those are so sweet!
    happy belated to your little man.
