Saturday, June 11, 2011

this moment

The idea behind {this moment} - courtesy of the always inspiring Soulemama - is just so lovely. There haven't been many pauses around here for a few months but today I took a deep, relaxing breath. Outside with Milo, on a Friday without plans, we played with his train. The breeze lifted the edges of our blanket. It was the perfect temperature for socks, bare legs and a sweater. We laughed, I gazed at the blooming peonies and we ate pickles and cheese, which is Milo's idea of the perfect picnic food. It was exactly what I imagined {this moment} was meant to capture.

(The only real distraction was the actual camera, but without it how could I get such a hilarious, too-close shot of my fella?)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you had such a fun day. Milo's picture is hilarious and I see several family members in the photo......Jay, Sadie, Margie, you and your dad. Closeups are really great!
