Sunday, May 16, 2010

day six

It's definitely harder to sew on the weekends. Luckily Sadie was very patient and hung out with me during Milo's nap long enough to make him another romper - but the deal I had to make was that I would sew her a romper on the last day of the challenge. With snaps. She really has this thing about matching her clothes to Milo's, and I couldn't argue with her that it would be comfortable. But as for this romper, I used an old t-shirt of mine because I think babies look way better in horizontal stripes than I do. Plus the sailor look should work for the little man and he is now officially set for summer clothes.

Back tomorrow with my last day's efforts. More fantastic kids clothes here, here and here. Not to mention here!

1 comment:

  1. Cute knits! Love all of them. Glad you read about the elastic. I'm actually working on a mini-tute with better photos to post one of these days. I'm picky so it's taking me a while. My mom is in the sewing industry and this is how elastic is done in most ready to wear garments.


    p.s. I have had your blog bookmarked forEVAH ;)I can't for the life of me remember how I originally found you though.
