Saturday, May 15, 2010

day five

Another day, more rainbow clothes. This fabric is the only new fabric I've used during the challenge - a friend had given me a sample (used for Milo's sleeves on his Canada shirt) and because I loved it so much, she generously grabbed me another yard of it. So, from one yard I made Sadie's leggings and now a shirt and pants for Milo. Not bad for $5! Oh, and I must explain that Sadie loved the idea that she and Milo would have matching pants, and I loved the idea that I could send the kids out with Jay while wearing matching rainbow pants. Good times for all.

I only had 90 minutes yesterday during Milo's nap to sew, so I lazily decided to use only the serger - which meant I deviated from the 90-Minute-Shirt style I've been making over and over again. This quick shirt, complete with green collars and cuffs, is a cinch to make in roughly 40 minutes. But I may have to start calling my little man Ernie because I think I've ripped off his look entirely. Or maybe it's Bert? Either way, I'm totally out of rainbow jersey for now. Back to the t-shirts for Day Six.

1 comment:

  1. I would have loved to see jay out with the kids and their rainbow outfits, pretty cute.
