Saturday, May 15, 2010

day four

What can I say - I'm addicted to sewing for Sadie and Milo. First up, I finished a pair of leggings for Sadie. They were made completely on the serger, which means they were FAST and I'm really happy with the split cuff. Sadie is a bit disappointed that the buttons are only for show but I'm doubtful that she would actually do them up and I didn't want to get frustrated trying a buttonhole on knit fabric. Oh, and the fact that she got to stand on the table to model made her disappointment pretty much disappear. The "Gumout" tank is from a t-shirt that I wore at the end of both pregnancies when nothing else would fit me. I think a friend gave it to Jay for the whole gum mention, but neither of us even know what it means.  It just seemed fitting to have the kids wear it, so for now it's Sadie's and when Milo is ready I'll just chop off the bottom band. And then I got a sleeveless romper finished, inspired entirely by Meg's version. It's a perfect hot weather garment and easy to get Milo in and out of (thank goodness). I'm going to try to get another one done tomorrow from the last t-shirt in my pile because I think Milo could just live in these all summer.

There are so many great clothes being made and the Flickr group is growing every minute. Only 3 days left to go...

1 comment:

  1. You are a marvel, I don't know how you get all this sewing done. The outfits are great the picture of Milo is way too cute, what a doll!
