Monday, May 17, 2010

the last day

The final day and I'm sad to see the challenge end. Staying true to the deal I made with Sadie, here is her new romper/pajamas that are like Milo's. I used white snap tape and just gave extra room around the legs to make it comfortable. Sadie wore them to bed last night and her verdict was quick: this is her favourite garment I made this week (seriously? not even the rainbow leggings?). When I was putting Sadie to bed I started the little pair of pants, and amongst the teeth brushing and book choosing, I had them done 5 minutes after she fell asleep. Funny how you can fit sewing in when you really want to. They are for Milo, but when he's a bit older. I had the sleeves left from the thrifted shirt and didn't want to waste the length on his currently short legs.

I really have to thank Meg of elsie marley for motivating me this week. In all, I sewed 15 garments for Sadie and Milo and I learned SO MUCH about my serger and sewing with knits. I really don't want to stop, but at least I'll slow my pace and move on to something adult size because there are only so many shorts and rompers the kids need. I felt like I was in a sewing rut before this week and this totally cured it. I'm also thankful to have been in the company of so many creative woman, and I now have new blogs to check in with for inspiration. All in all, an awesome challenge and a perfect last sewing "hurrah" before I go back to work.

Oh, and for anyone thinking of trying out knits I really can't recommend Wendy Mullin's Sew U: The Home Stretch enough. It's a fantastic resource that gave me the confidence I needed to tackle an all-knit list of sewing projects.


  1. Wow! I am very impresssed, you've made some lovely stuff. These leggings are great, I need to look at sewing with knits too as you proved you can make some great pieces.

  2. Hi Sam!
    Wow, what a busy week you've had! Everything you made is so adorable and cute! i love looking through your blog! I hope to run into you, Jason and the kids soon!

  3. Congratulations. You made so many nice things. Working and getting some sewing done will be a piece of cake after this week.

  4. I am impressed as well...everything is lovely...{not impressed that they are lovely...impressed with your determination!!} know what I mean ;)

  5. hi, i just found your blog while searching kids' week challenge. i was just wondering if you would share where you got the patterns from. i recently inherited my gramma's serger and am apprehensive about using it.

    i wish i would have learned more from her.

    your clothes are lovely. thank you for sharing.

