Friday, February 10, 2006

the games begin

I didn't actually sign up for the Knitting Olympics, but I did decide to quietly participate during today's Opening Ceremonies, and that's got to count for something...right? There wasn't really a way I could cast on at work so instead, I picked my project and grabbed the wool on my way home from work (I seem to be stopping in at Knitomatic on my way home every Friday so my winter knitting is definitely a full-blown addiction). My Olympic challenge will be the "Fuzzy Wuzzy was a Poncho" for Sadie from the Yarn Girls Guide to Kid's Knits. It's not that the pattern is challenging but finishing it in 16 days will be. I also have a book to finish for my book club in the same time, though it's a completely different style of thing, and I'll need this pink and fuzzy project to balance the gore of Chuck Palaniuk.


  1. I love the wool you picked! Beautiful colours. Sadie will be one stylish little girl. I'm not in the knitting olympics, but I'm in my own little quiet corner of Team Canada participating in a bit of an art/craft biathalon...

  2. I can just picture sadie wearing her poncho around the house with all her hats.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am really diggin' that coral yarn you have pictured.
