Sunday, February 12, 2006

mouse nap

Sadie's nose is oozing unpleasant stuff but on the bright side she took a three hour nap this afternoon. After a bit of internet time I gave myself a stern talking-to and dragged my tired Sunday body to my sewing corner to make good on the time she was giving me. Under the spell of an old Cowboy Junkies album and a foggy just-before-falling-alseep idea last night this little guy came to life, snout and all. I've used wool suiting instead of blankets which means my stuffing job will have to be improved. I think mice have been filling my head since seeing Vicki's little squeeks, though I'd also like to get going on some bird babies in a fashion similar to Little Red. Of course I hope Sadie's nose clears up, but it's terribly nice of her to give me lumbering naps every so often.

(P.S. It probably goes without saying - my absolute first choice is to hang out with Sadie all day. The mice and birds, as cute as they could be, can't rival my girl.)


  1. Anonymous11:13 PM


    And I had the Anniversary Song running through my head all day. Was that the album?

  2. Anonymous4:26 PM

    He is GORGEOUS !

  3. Of course! But that mouse is pretty adorable.

  4. I love him and he looks so good in his wool suiting! What are you going to name your sophisticated mouse?

  5. He is so cute samantha, I don't know how you worked with that fabric, was it a light weight? He looks adorable with his little scarf.

  6. Anonymous10:47 AM

    A tweed mouse? So fabulous! I love it.
