Saturday, February 04, 2006

little red

Better late than never - here is my submission for A Month of Softies. I thought I would take a break from wool and my usual construction methods and spend more time on the fabric. The first few lines of "Little Red Riding Cap" are machine embroidered on a few layers of linen, and I used a photo transfer and some hand embroidery for the face. It was invigorating - but also incredibly challenging - to work more freely...but I think I'll keep it up.


  1. Anonymous10:44 PM

    I love it so much! I was wondering what you were going to do with that fantastic piece of embroidery.

  2. Oh my god ! It's amazing ! this doll seams to be alive !!! I love it so much ! Your work is beautiful ! Congratulations ! XoXo

  3. Just wonderful. Mysterious and full of all good fairytales!

  4. Wonderful! I love her/his? face!!

  5. Anonymous1:49 AM

    This is just lovely! What sewing machine do you use? I'd love to hear more about how you embroider the words.

  6. So lovely! Congratulations on a beautiful piece!

  7. samantha, I love it, little red riding hood was my favourite fairy tale. As always, I'm amazed and don't know how you make the time for all of these wonderful things. As you well know, I have lots of time but not a lot to show for it!!I do however have a new blog today, sorry but it took very little even took the photos!!

  8. Anonymous5:35 AM

    she is very cute, looks like lots and lots of work to "write" the text?! cute doll. will there be a wolf too?

  9. i love her too, the fabric is wonderful and her cloak the perfect red, what beautiful work...

  10. absolutely magical work -- stunning.

  11. hi bloggers, I saw "little red" in person. Her outer white garment was a cloth hankie of sam's dad with the initial "R" on it and the red silk was wrapped around a gift samantha received from a friend. The doll is marvelous.....

  12. How clever is that!

  13. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I keep coming back to look at this. It's so wonderfully compelling and beautiful and a little disturbing at the same time. The face is amazing, and the treatment of the body and cape perfect.

  14. wow, that's a gorgeous project... very artistic. such an amazingly creative piece!
