Sunday, May 27, 2012

gnome chic

Rooms are on the move again. We're 99% sure that we're digging out our basement, and soon. Which means somehow finding space around the house for everything that was in our basement. Considering my studio was down there, this has quite an impact on me.

A number of weekends ago, without any lead up, we decided to move Milo out of his crib and into Sadie's bedroom. This spontaneous decision was Jay's great idea so it meant I had no time to get emotional about it. The kids were so excited that I could easily absorb their joy. But also, I soon realized my great fortune: I was getting a room with natural light to work in. I was downright giddy at the prospect of lugging fabric and supplies up two flights of stairs. Our back bedroom regardless of it's small size, is an awesome room to be creative in.

I'll post another photo when the space is more together, but for now I had to share this amazing mushroom lamp Jay and the kids got me for my birthday specifically for this new space. There's a kids shop in Toronto called Kolkid that I adore, and I saw this lamp months ago and mentioned it to Jay (you know, in the "gee, if we ever needed a new lamp I saw this awesome mushroom one!" style of mentioning). He remembered and viola, my new studio is now perfectly gnome chic.

Of course, this is a temporary space until the basement is properly finished. The plans are big and worthy of another post (or a dozen) as the reno will take about 6 months overall (gasp). But it is totally the right decision. We love this house too much to leave it, even if it is tiny. There's simply no better place for miniature glowing mushrooms.

1 comment:

  1. hello there sam,

    i've been following your blog since i first knit the toddler t-shirt vest (ravelry id: gourmetfaerie) and have enjoyed the crafty goodness you've been sharing.

    i've nominated you for a liebster blog award.

    check out my blog for more details!

    hope all is well,
