Wednesday, May 30, 2012

deja vu

Must be something about me and sweater patterns.

For the second time in 6 months it's taken me three different pattern attempts to land on a finished sweater I'm happy with. When I ordered this Quince & Co yarn I was convinced that their Agnes pattern would be perfect, especially in an ever-practical gray. Started it and got to a few inches below the sleeves and tried it on. But I knew immediately I would never wear it - the neck was too wide and it just did nothing for me (it even made me question choosing gray). So, unravelled, started over. This time I tried Jane Richmond's Sedum which has been in my Ravelry favourites for a very long time. Knit this pattern almost to the sleeve division and got stuck on the look of the increases in seed stitch - I just didn't like them. Sighed, unravelled again and started another pattern search.

Quite by accident I found Katrine, another Quince & Co pattern. I found it while visiting other Yarnalong blogs (in this case, MadelineBea). It seemed to be kismet: a pattern I liked in the yarn that I had - and even the colourway I chose! My only hesitation was having one less skein than the pattern called for, but I figured if I shortened the cowl I might make it. Thankfully I was right.

The pattern is easy, knits up quick and makes for a heavy, squishy cardigan that will be awesome to wear when the cool weather comes back in the fall. I think "Storm" is my favourite colour in the Quince & Co palette - such a perfect, slightly blue gray. My only mods were to knit the cowl to only 6", adjusted the seed stitch order to make cleaner selvedges (P first stitch, slip last stitch knitwise on every row) and I ignored the sleeve decreases (risky given my yarn situation, but luckily it worked out). Oh, and I did make larger buttonholes than called for because I wanted to use these amazing wooden buttons I ordered from Ontario-based Woodlot.

Even though the month has been chaotic, I still sacrificed sleep to read. Honestly, reading a few pages a night keeps me grounded. Even though it's fiction, stepping into a story, another life, a new part of the world - it all helps with perspective. When God Was a Rabbit was an enjoyable read, treading lightly over the dark edges of the story to spend time developing a family of characters that were pretty fascinating. I was sold on the title alone and then pretty stoked by the cover but in the end the words were the best of all.

For more stories of knitting and reading, visit today's Yarnalong.


  1. Wow I love this, so incredible. So neat.

  2. I really enjoyed that book as well and the sweater is gorgeous!

  3. one of these days i'm going to make something i'll actually wear! this looks like a good one. well done!

  4. That is really beautiful, wow. I love the stitch pattern, and the buttons!

  5. I came very close to buying the yarn and pattern for Katrine recently but talked myself out of it because I thought it might be too bulky on me. But yours looks fabulous! (I loved that book too...)

  6. i LOVE LOVE LOVE your sweater! and the color, perfect. i have an overwhelming selection of grey cardigans and just can't get enough ;-)

  7. and that book just came in the mail, lucky me - looking forward to a good read :)

  8. Such a fabulous cardi - totally worth waiting for the right pattern to come along (although I admire you sticking with it, I probably would have sulked a bit first before starting again - twice!)

  9. just finished when God Was a Rabbit and enjoyed it.
    Though not as much as I thought I would.
    currently reading the Sisters Brothers and loving it so far.
    beautiful sweater btw

  10. beautiful sweater! i love the colour ~ i can't imagine the time that goes into something so beautiful. kudos! very proud to have my buttons on it : )

  11. That sweater is beautiful1 Looks so lovely on you.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Great choice and color. I love sweaters and have been looking for the right pattern and I think this is it. @Mitchell's Creations
