Wednesday, February 08, 2012

reversed reservations

There is something wonderful about being wrong.

I finished The Elegance of the Hedgehog last night, a novel that just a few days ago I felt I was forcing myself to read. But boy, was it beautiful. I wept at the end, partly for the story and partly for the thought that we endure life's difficulties for rare, fleeting moments of beauty. These moments are so worth suffering for because beauty is simply that profound when experienced. Okay I'm terrible at articulating this. Let's just say if I'd stuck with my initial reservations I would have missed out on so much literary goodness.

A similar thing happened with this sweater. I picked up some Noro Retro on sale over the holidays thinking I could mimic a sweater I'd seen at Banana Republic. After researching, I figured trying Cecily Glowik MacDonald's Idelwood would be a close enough match and more of a sure thing than winging my own pattern. But when I started knitting all these doubts started surfacing. Would I have enough wool? Was the cowl too much? Did I like the striping that was appearing? I decided to knit only half the length of the cowl (I do have a short neck, so thought this might work) but when I hit the waist shaping and tried it on, I really thought I should abandon the whole thing. But for some reason I didn't. I knit to the end, tried it on, thought it was horrible all over again. Then falling asleep one night I realized that maybe it was just too long. Ripped it back a few inches the very next day and finished it up. But I didn't actually wear it until a few days ago. And once again, I was totally wrong. I quite like the final sweater and the shortened cowl works well. The Noro has a nice, hazy effect and the striping is pretty subtle.

First lesson of the year: persevere through all reservations. Projects and books are always worth finishing.

For more reading and knitting stories, visit Ginny's Yarnalong.


  1. you can rent the movie at Film Buff if you'd like: they have an awesome French movies selection...

  2. I've had my eye on Idlewood for awhile. Glad you persevered with both the reading and knitting--great lesson!

  3. That sweater is fabulous!! I love it - the amount of cowl seems to be just right. Always eager for book titles, too..

  4. I've been listening to The Elegance of the Hedgehog as an audiobook during my lunch time walks. It's making me quite philosophical about life (especially as a trudge through a business park). There are parts where I have to concentrate to ensure I'm "getting it" and it makes me want to give up. Then, a new chapter starts and I'm relieved and able to focus again. I feel almost as if it's like a mental vitamin.

    Great sweater.

  5. that sweater is beautiful! I think it came out really lovely.

  6. Love the sweater it looks fabulous!

  7. I have The Elegance of the Hedgehog on my nightstand to read next; now I can't wait to get to it. Your sweater looks great!

  8. I read The Elegance of the Hedgehog a while ago and I loved it, despite the end. One of my favourite parts was about the importants of drinking tea in ceremonial style. Loved that. And you sweater is vey sweet. I just came across your blog while searching for a vest pattern for my boy. Just to find out you are also joining yarn along :-)
    Have to cast on for your sweet t-shirt vest pattern now and hope I'll get the correct gauge with the handspon yarn I have in mind...

  9. some"r's" got lost... sorry about that!

  10. The sweater looks great, and it fits you perfectly. Wow. I just found you through "Kirchenzeit", because I too, have a vest addiction and your place is clearly the place for people like us!
