Wednesday, February 22, 2012

paper poppins

Sadie + paper + tape = amazing things.

After watching Mary Poppins the other day, Sadie grabbed her favourite materials and promptly fashioned herself a hat. On her first try. I'm still amazed that she understood how a hat would go together - I think the brim concept didn't fully come to me until I sewed a hat sometime in my twenties. But she simply started cutting, used loads of tape, and then showed up 30 minutes later dressed entirely as Mary Poppins.

I love my crafty girl.


  1. it's perfect! not in that a little kids made it and isn't it cute way, it's really perfect--just like mary poppin's hat!

  2. this is so great! go sadie!

  3. She is an amazing little girl, how fortunate for me that she is my granddaughter.

  4. That is a 100 kinds of awesome. That's all.

  5. Simply the sweetest creation!! Good for Sadie. She should be very proud of herself.
