Wednesday, October 06, 2010

six on the sixth

Six years ago today I fell in love with a baby girl named Sadie.

Then a minute or two passed and suddenly she turned six. Six! We're in a bit of shock today, way more than when she turned five. I guess I should have seen this coming because turning 36 this year was similarly shocking (as the saying goes, I'm on the wrong side of 35). Being on the other side of five means I have a daughter who is in grade one, joined the cross country team at school and sings "feeling so fly like a G6" while she draws. It's crazy and beautiful all at the same time. Oh, and she lost her first tooth on Monday, just in time for picture day. See? Totally crazy.

All that being said, today's festivities were low-key, ending with six crimson, strawberry-topped cupcakes all for the birthday girl (luckily, she was in a sharing mood).  When I asked her what the best part of being six was, her answer was immediate: she's taller.

Goodness, how I love this girl.


  1. It is a bit crazy that all are babies are turning 6! It feels like not to long ago they were chubby babies hanging out on a blanket at the park. Happy Birthday Sadie! You are one of the most special girls I know.

  2. How we all love her and she is a very special little girl,
