Thursday, September 30, 2010


It's not much, but I did finish a pair of pants for Milo on Sunday - the very last day of the Kids Clothes Week Challenge. They are made from the sleeves of a $3 man's sweatshirt and I added pockets to make them feel less pajama-like. The big sleeve cuffs work nicely as pant cuffs, and I have so much sweatshirt left that I'm going to try and make a hoodie for Milo too. I'm totally inspired by Trula's foldover hoodie, so that will be my starting point. When I can sew again, that is.

Since Sunday, I've been slightly distracted by my surgery. It all went fine, but recovery is recovery - you can't speed it up and there is no such thing as a to-do list. Taking these photographs is probably my output for the day. Luckily I have some novels to enjoy (I just started Tinkers by Paul Harding and I'm loving it, plus The Laws of Harmony had me bawling yesterday) and a trusty laptop to keep me entertained.

But I do have one to-do that I recommend highly: visit the Elsie Marley Flickr group and check out all the great kids clothes that were made last week. What a talented bunch of sewers out there.


  1. they look great! I love when cuffs can be used on little ones pants. Too busy to participate here, but loving what you've come up with.
    Maybe I'll have a delayed 'Kids clothes week' when the kids get back to school ;)

  2. look at you, recovering from surgery and still blogging! go to bed! get better, so you can sew more fantastic things!

  3. fabulous recovery I'd say~

  4. meg's comment made me laugh. How is the recovery going? Wishing you all the best.

  5. Your boys clothes rock! Keep it's harder to find exciting boy inspiration.

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