Wednesday, November 04, 2009

decision maker

I think the first comment I ever left on a blog was in response to something Lyn at Mollychicken wrote. Her daughter was five and no longer would wear dresses - or at least, dresses of Lyn's choosing. Sadie was only a few months old at the time and even though 5 years old seemed far away, I was surprised at how quickly Lyn's daughter was making her own decisions.

Sadie is now 5. And truthfully, she has been making fashion decisions for some time now, much to my entertainment (and I hope her teacher's). Most days it involves headbands with "stuff" attached, and there's a strong trend of layering different socks over leggings and shorts. Nothing ever matches and no matter how hard I try, I could never come up with the combinations she does. So when I got the Playdate Dress pattern from Oliver + S, I knew Sadie would have to choose the fabric or she would never wear it. And as we sifted through the options at FatQuarterShop, I was totally surprised at her choice. I was expecting her to choose something pink and girly, but she loved this holiday fabric and went for a real red-and-green theme. I didn't even get any say with the buttons. So in the end the dress is nothing like what I would have imagined, but it is utterly and absolutely Sadie (as is pairing the dress with grizzly bear tights).

Speaking of making decisions, Sadie also talked me into cutting her hair. I kept putting it off but she was determined. I shed a few tears when I did it - seriously - but it suits her. And as an added bonus, she looks younger now which helps me when I dwell on how fast this girl is growing up. Insert great big sigh here.


  1. Love it. Sadie's choices are great! And I think I have some of that fabric in my "to make patchwork Xmas stockings" stash. Very cute.

    And there's nothing wrong with shorts layered over tights under socks. At least she stays warm.

  2. Elizabeth9:57 AM

    How cool that Sadie has grizzly bear tights! Dress is adorable - and so is Sadie.

  3. I simply loved hearing every bit of this story.If only we'd all have and keep all our lives the choice making powers of Sadie. Bravo for a great child you have. Love the photos. Deborah

  4. How cute! I want to learn some sewing NOW.

  5. sadie looks adorable and she certainly knows her fashion sense.

  6. Girzzly bear tights?! I've never even seen grizzly bear tights!
