Thursday, October 29, 2009

big headed

A little knitting for me and my gigantic head. The pattern called to cast 70 stitches, and I had to do 90 and the final hat is still a wee bit snug. However, I quite like the hat and I may try it again (minus the striping and with a few more increases - this hat is meant to slouch). I found the pattern on Ravelry and it's called the Felicity Hat. It's easy and quick - perfect for fitting in around Hallowe'en preparations, kitchen craziness (our counter is being installed tomorrow and we're ready to tile!) and general baby raising. I used more Sublime Organic Merino and again, I don't love knitting with it but the final product is lovely.

P.S. I've realized that I'm not too far off of Sadie's habit of drawing Milo into every picture - clearly I work his little face into almost every post. It's pure, unadulterated Mommy love. And speaking of Milo (did I mention Milo?), he has just mastered rolling from his back to his belly and back again, at the all-too-young-age of 4 months. So unlike Sadie who was relaxed and didn't care to roll and crawl until she was 8 months old, this guy is ready to go. A sign of things to come?


  1. Cute hat. And your little fella is so very cute too! PS: Our little "felli" is here! Pictures on my blog.

  2. Oh my goodness Sam, he is so cute! What did you choose for your counter? it must be really exciting watching the transformation.
    Let's get together soon.
    (this is Mira btw)
