Saturday, February 14, 2009

hearts all over

Valentine's Day was almost a bust.  Sadie has been sick since Wednesday and missed not just one, but two Valentine parties.  I promised we'd have our own little party today, but it ended up being super low key because Sadie is still under the weather.  We didn't even have the energy to bake (it's been a long week at work, plus sleepless nights, so we're all running on empty).  At least a little bit of colouring and crafting went down - enough for Daddy and Gramma to get pretty nice Valentines.  Also I made sure to pick up lots of chocolate for me and Jay, and a little treat for Sadie, but when your little girl isn't herself, Valentine's Day just isn't either.

The first photo is my latest knitting project, and in a colour palette that makes me thinks of hearts and candy.  I picked up this Sheep Shop yarn at Purl in New York, confident that Sadie would dig it.  And dig it she did, first she asked that I knit a doll sweater with it and then reconsidered and asked for a cardigan for herself.  So I'm using Knit and Tonic's Drive-Thru pattern, but adjusting a bit for the lighter weight wool.  I haven't done a yoke-style sweater before so it should be a good challenge.  If only I could actually knit today - this low energy vibe is strong.  Even Glen Miller, a usually active cat, was perched on the radiator all day.  But I do love that he seems to be dreaming of hearts.

February, Schmebruary.


Elizabeth said... [Reply to comment]

I'm knitting with Sheep Shop right now too. I love it. Happy V-Day to all! Hope Sadie feels better soon.

Christy said... [Reply to comment]

lovely, lovely blog!