Ahh, mail. Just before we left for New York I got this wonderful package from Julia at Moth Heaven. Fabric, beads, badges, patterns...the bounty was endless. It's such a powerful feeling when someone you've never met understands exactly what you like. The detail shot reveals the sweet spot: pages from a 1914 mini calendar. I don't know what I will do with them yet, but the type, scale and age make them a prized new addition to my paper things. Thank you Julia!
When we returned from New York another package was waiting for me, this time from Dawn. Gertrude the Bunny is the lovely creature in the corner, and she is just one of the many dolls Dawn has been making for Supermaggie. With any luck I'll be able to find some time this weekend to get packages out myself so that power of mail karma can keep working.
As for New York, Jay and I had a great weekend away. I tried to visit Seedhouse to see if I could get a glimpse of Tamar's fantastic creatures, but unfortunately it wasn't open. Giant Robot was a more successful venture, and then a small splurge at the Camper store in Soho. We toured the MOMA for the first time in 10 years and I could have spent hours with the artist's books in the "Eye on Europe" exhibit. Oh, and speaking of books, when we walked around Chelsea looking at galleries we stumbled upon the first ever "Artist's Book Fair" sponsored by Printed Matter Inc. Again, I could have spent hours there, but it wasn't totally Jay's thing. I still managed to walk away with a small treasure - a book of poetry by Simon Cutts called "The Smell of Printing". What a perfect title, and what a perfect trip.
Perfection was shot to hell when we got home though - Sadie has decided she doesn't need to sleep. All week we haven't been able to get her into bed until midnight. Midnight! She is an irritable walking zombie and tonight is the first time I've been able to even sit down at the computer. I sure hope it's a phase and not punishment for us leaving her. Two year olds...I can't say I wasn't warned.