Wednesday, January 25, 2006

learning curve

So I'm taking some time to figure out more template tweaks. I've put a new header in just to see if I could figure it out - and now that I have, it's back to the drawing board for something more compelling. Also we just got a new camera that I need to figure out, a digital SLR, so hopefully my photos will improve too! I'm such a techhie all of a sudden.

I have been knitting non-stop though, and enjoying perusing knitting blogs. Here is about 1 percent of the places I'm visiting: buzzingbee, knitfix, angryknitter, elizaboothy and my all-time fave naive knitting. As far as projects go I've started a Louisa Harding scarf, tried out double pointed needles, and almost finished Sadie some legwarmers...oh, and I so want to make myself a pair of these knitted maryjane's. There's just not enough time in this working-full-time-with-a-toddler girl's life.


  1. Hey, thanks for the plug. It's funny, you're knitting non-stop and I'm thinking more and more about sewing these days. I'm glad you tried out the DPNs though and I can't believe what a great idea baby legwarmers are -- I'm always worried about that gap between the pants and the socks when they're sitting in the stroller. I love those mary janes too, I might have to take them on myself.

    I can hardly wait to see your knitted work!

  2. Legwarmers sound great! Did you use a pattern? Also like the header change. Wondering if you have any guidance as to sources for these changes for the not so tech saavy?! Thanks! Enjoying your blog as ever!

  3. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Well, I LOVE the Sam Lamb blog! Defintely on my "A-List" of blogs.

  4. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Actually, I'm Sam Lamb too, but wool makes me itch.
