Friday, January 27, 2006

camera happy

The new camera is fantastic - I hadn't realized how much I missed the control you have with a 35mm. Finally I don't have to totally doctor my shots in Photoshop, they are good to go as is! For fun, I took a shot of one of my current knitting projects, a Louisa Harding lace scarf knit in Naturally Fur Merino, and the cover of a pattern book that I couldn't help but frame. Floating baby heads? It was just too great - and somewhat creepy - to file away. But of course I've been shooting a certain someone Sadie is included too.


  1. Little Sadie is soooooooo cute !!! This picture is amazing ;o) Smooches

  2. Anonymous11:35 AM

    What a pretty scarf and beautiful little girl! And although I fear I don't deserve to be in the same sentence as the naive knitter (we all bow before her), I really appreciate the shout out. I will definitely be visiting your site again!

  3. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Awww, Sadie is so adorable- look at her hair growing, and her face is changing shape. She's becoming more of a little girl and less of a baby. I love this age.
    She's gorgeous.
    Oh, and I love your knitting too : )
