I had great intentions of taking photos before the sale, but somehow we were setting up until the first person arrived, so these are the only reasonable photos I got! The cushions up top were a last minute idea to use up more of my wool blankets, the second photo is one of our shelves filled with goodies and the last photo shows
Jay's pieces all on one wall. The blue and red pieces are rubber doll parts placed to look like butterflies (ears) or flocks or birds (noses). Luckily two were left because I just couldn't part with them! The sale was a great success though I'm relieved it's over. Last night I actually started a knitting project for myself - I'm using Louisa Harding angora wool to make a simple garter stitch scarf, what a treat.
I've started
a wee shop for my wool creations, so come on over and visit . . . a few Bundlies are hanging out there.