Sunday, July 03, 2005

early bird wears a sweater

There's nothing like waking up on a Sunday morning at 5:47 am. I would have cheered for Sadie considering she slept 7 hours straight, but 5:47 am is not a time for cheering. That's the downside to the handful of times Sadie has "slept through the night" - she wakes up at an ungodly hour and somehow we have to start the day. At least she took a 2 1/2 hour nap, which all three of us indulged in.

I thought I should post an example of my knitting. I took a knitting class about 4 years ago to learn how to knit miniature sweaters, and I think I've knit about 30 now. Yes, I'm addicted; I have no interest in knitting much else (oh sure, I've tried, but what is more rewarding than a sweater you can have done in an hour?) At this point it's a modified version of a teddy bear sweater from this hard-to-find pattern book and I have no problem making it over and over and over again. Maybe Sadie will make it worth trying something from here?

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