Saturday, July 02, 2005

downtime and butterflies

Wow, all you need is an interruption in your internet service to remind you that without it, you can get a lot done. Yesterday I got a coat of paint up, filled the garden with more plants courtesy of Rona's 50% off sale, worked on a bunny pattern and went down to Harbourfront for some great music and atmosphere. My apologies to Ragdoll for my delay at trying out links! We had a wonderful visit on Friday before the street construction knocked Sympatico sideways. I think the message all round was - share your time with good friends and split your time more evenly doing the things you love.

Also, here is the first "craft" image. Thanks to a few good blogs, I was inspired to submit a softie into this. The theme was June Bugs, and since Sadie loves the final page of A Very Hungry Caterpillar I thought a butterfly was appropriate. And thanks to Ragdoll, I've been reading again. I read the first two chapters of this to Sadie and I'm pretty sure she enjoyed it, if squeals are any indication.


  1. Look at you creating links and all kinds of other fun stuff. Love the butterflies.

  2. Anonymous3:28 PM

    the butterfly is beautiful! are those seed bead details on the wings?

  3. Thanks Lauren - they are actually little embroidered x's. Beads would be a great idea!
