I was so inspired by the pincushions at Wee Wonderfuls (there's even more in the "Zakka" category) that I spent yesterday making more than I need! What a great way to use heavy wool, and since I'm always sticking myself with pins I figure the safety message is clearly appropriate. As a crafting plus, they were easy to work on while Sadie shimmied across the floor (it's almost a crawl, but not quite.) Now what to work on today?
Here is my Month of Softies submission - a sock monkey made from real socks! He was quite fun to make, but perhaps he is too plain? There are some great monkeys already submitted (like this one) and I'm sure more will appear in the next few days.
A fleeting moment - Sadie only a day old and so frighteningly fragile. I look over at her now, bouncing in her plastic car, and I can hardly believe this is how she (we) started. We've come a long, long way since then.
Of course I'm mourning the days that have passed, as every mother does and as every mother warned me I would. I start work again in one month, forcing a new direction in our relationship. How I'll miss spending every single minute with her, my happy little companion. A first of many separations, but like this photo, it's usually the first that smarts the most.
If I can handle the disgusting heat outside, this little guy is taking a trip to Winnipeg courtesy of Canada Post and an outrageously taped cardboard box. His destination: the hands of a very dear friend who loves the colour red. He travels with a unique companion - a very embellished and very cherished painting that this dear friend created years ago. I've been its' happy babysitter, but our time together has come to an end. Keep the painting safe little red guy. And say hello to Kristen.
A little bit of Sadie again, from a hot summer night here in Toronto. Jay dislocated his shoulder, twice, so my "making" hours are significantly reduced . . . well, except for fashioning a sling for the injured guy. But now that the ironing board is out I think I'll make Sadie a sundress for this overwhelming heat. Who needs to sleep anyway?
The greatest part about having this blog is: I feel obligated to keep making new things. Obligated may sound negative, but it travels a tight path with inspiration and it works for me. As for this doll, she's been hanging around my worktable waiting to go to a very special person - my midwife for Sadie's birth. I can't put into words how thankful I am to have met Jen. I would not have made it through labour and Sadie's first few weeks if not for Jen's gentle reassurances, her perfectly timed information and her wonderfully striped socks. The only thing I could do was create a doll especially for her as a small attempt to thank her for helping us bring Sadie into the world.
I've been trying to make the perfect monkey for a while now, but he is terribly elusive. Here are a few of his wonky relatives. How perfect that July's Month of Softies theme is sock monkeys - though I'll actually use socks this time. Hmmm, maybe that's the problem with these woolly guys?
And speaking of monkey parades, I thought I'd describe my own little family unit. There is Sadie, my little girl who is 9 months old today and whose adorable face is a few photos below. Then there is her crazy daddy Jay, who spends his days chewing for this until he becomes Sadie's caregiver full time when I go back to work this fall (of course, he won't stop playing with gum . . . he'll just have to wait for Sadie to be asleep!) And finally two cats, Ellie and GlenMiller, who make knitting and sewing a challenge now that my "workspace" is a tiny corner in the living room. That's it, or should I say that's US.
There's nothing like waking up on a Sunday morning at 5:47 am. I would have cheered for Sadie considering she slept 7 hours straight, but 5:47 am is not a time for cheering. That's the downside to the handful of times Sadie has "slept through the night" - she wakes up at an ungodly hour and somehow we have to start the day. At least she took a 2 1/2 hour nap, which all three of us indulged in.
I thought I should post an example of my knitting. I took a knitting class about 4 years ago to learn how to knit miniature sweaters, and I think I've knit about 30 now. Yes, I'm addicted; I have no interest in knitting much else (oh sure, I've tried, but what is more rewarding than a sweater you can have done in an hour?) At this point it's a modified version of a teddy bear sweater from this hard-to-find pattern book and I have no problem making it over and over and over again. Maybe Sadie will make it worth trying something from here?
Wow, all you need is an interruption in your internet service to remind you that without it, you can get a lot done. Yesterday I got a coat of paint up, filled the garden with more plants courtesy of Rona's 50% off sale, worked on a bunny pattern and went down to Harbourfront for some great music and atmosphere. My apologies to Ragdoll for my delay at trying out links! We had a wonderful visit on Friday before the street construction knocked Sympatico sideways. I think the message all round was - share your time with good friends and split your time more evenly doing the things you love.
Also, here is the first "craft" image. Thanks to a few good blogs, I was inspired to submit a softie into this. The theme was June Bugs, and since Sadie loves the final page of A Very Hungry Caterpillar I thought a butterfly was appropriate. And thanks to Ragdoll, I've been reading again. I read the first two chapters of this to Sadie and I'm pretty sure she enjoyed it, if squeals are any indication.