Tuesday, August 16, 2011

knitting, for real

Lately there has been very little knitting represented here. Now, no one is really holding me to showing only knitting, but perhaps it's time I change my little description off to the right. Clearly my addictions are not limited to wool and I no longer sew things from wool blankets. But this would involve writing a new description which takes...time. And thought. When instead I could be sewing and knitting some more. For now I'll add figure-out-what-my-blog-is-for-and-if-it-needs-a-facelift to my to do list. At least today I have a knitted vest to show.

It feels a bit like cheating to use my own pattern, but here's the sad part: I had to print myself a copy and I also had to restart the vest twice because I goofed up. Using my own pattern. Hmm. But I still love making this wee thing and I used Cascade Superwash to make things easier on the new mommy. It's been a while since I've had a baby gift to make and it was such a perfect reason to get knitting (and get me out of my knitting funk which involved three separate attempts at adult-sized sweaters - so much wasted time!)

I worked on this vest while while we stayed at a cottage two weeks ago in Prince Edward County (we stayed there a few summers ago as well). Before leaving I wanted to order some new books for the vacation, but I struggled for a moment trying to figure out what to pick. Then I remembered small thingsYarn Along. This is the beauty of community that the internet allows: in this case, those of us who count knitting and reading as favourite pastimes have a place where we can ooh and ahh over lovely photos of yarn and books while also getting reading recommendations from similarly minded people. Amazon will never peg my "likes" as easily as this group of knitters. So here is my first knitting-with-novel photo, taken on the cottage deck when I was about halfway through Annabel by Kathleen Winter. I haven't reviewed novels in a while, but other than the abrupt ending, I loved the world this story inhabited and the characters I met along the way. And now a trip to Newfoundland has moved to the top of my wish list. It happened to start on a wintery scene, but it was a lovely, engaging summer read.

Happy knitting.


  1. Very cute!

  2. How cool - I've knit your vest AND I've read Annabel. I enjoyed both very much :)

  3. love your pattern, it's a darling little vest!

  4. I love the colour of your vest. Thanks so much for sharing your pattern. I'm going o make one for my little guy! http://www.karmama.ca/2011/08/yarn-along_17.html

  5. That really is a lovely pattern. And I always have to go back and print out my one lonely published pattern too when I want to make it again, so you aren't the only one.

  6. Anonymous4:57 AM

    love the colour, love the coathanger. x

  7. Haha. I know what you mean. I made something out my own pattern, and I kept goofing up. I love the color of your vest!

  8. How adorable this is! Thank you for sharing the pattern Sam.
