Friday, June 02, 2006

tax evasion

It's a pretty sad fact that I haven't yet done our taxes, and here it is, the beginning of June. I don't absolutely detest the task, but really there are so many other exciting things to do with my small amount of free time that I just keep putting it off. This weekend is it though ... except for the gardening I'd like to get to.

Our backyard was a gravel pit when we moved here - honestly - and over the years we have rescued it from it's ant-ridden fate by building a deck and taking a stab at gardening. My father is an expert in the garden so I'm fully aware that my attempts are crude and haphazard, but that hasn't spoiled the fun for even a second. Last year I put zinnias at the foot of the deck for some colour (that was Dad's suggestion of course) though this year I think I'll try something different. Dahlias? Poppies? Wildflowers?

And on the emotional rollercoaster known as weaning, we're down to one feed a day right now. I've been teetering hormonally the whole time but I realize that it will be a great evolution in my relationship with Sadie, and I'm so impressed with her flexibility. Really, my little girl is such a trooper - she adjusts to anything. Now if only she could convince her mother to do the taxes...

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