Saturday, June 24, 2006

london bound

Well, that sure was a big break from posting. There has been so much going on that actually creating things has taken a permanent backseat for far too long. But I have a deadline for Plush You II coming up so tonight I hope to finish a little knitted dress for a new animal friend. Fingers crossed, of course.

The piece above is one of Jay's newest, and it is currently on display in London, UK. The show info is at this link, and there are also details there about his artist's talk. Getting ready for this show has been one of the many things going on around here. While I was on maternity I completely forgot how swamped my summers always are at work; I go to bed thinking of work and wake up with a new to-do-list. We have a vacation planned in August that we're really looking forward to - everyone in this house needs a break. And some rest.

On the weaning front, it is all done. I am sad to even type it which might also put into perspective where my head has been this past month. I wish I could have let Sadie lead the way, but life happens and some things couldn't budge. She took to it quite well, but there is truth in what everyone told me: it's harder on the mother. Cheers to that one. And for a mom who swallows guilt daily for being the one going to work and leaving her little girl, it was one of the things that I knew she really needed me for. Of course, this is a new stage and she is just as content when I play with her hair or dance with her or read her stories, but nothing will ever compare to that wonderful first bond. I'm almost through the mourning of it, but wow, it's a biggie.


  1. ohhh... be strong, you'll be ok! :)
    that is an awesome gum blonde. love it.
    hope your vacation is super relaxing!!

  2. love the art!! It's so hard, I'm going through it now to, just reading your posts about your little girl make me well up a little or get chills. My Stella I'm sure is just as happy drinking only our of her cup now, isn't having any wishes of going back, it IS harder on the moms, I have a feeling though this is just the start of many things we are going to have to let go of and mourn in our childrens lifes...sigh..

  3. it is a biggie... but you are right on about doing her hair and such. special mom/daughter moments are always arriving that i never expected. the pic looks great! go jay! and london - wow! and can't wait to see what you have in store for plushyou ii!

  4. it is a biggie, i understand the mourning all too well, and also understand the joy of forging new bonds. hope you're having a lovely holiday!
