Wednesday, September 14, 2005

woolly flock

A little flock of birds to add to my growing animal collection. Now that I'm back to work I need projects that can be done sitting in front of the TV or when Sadie is reading a book to herself (now whenever she holds a book she starts emitting gibberish - I love it!) There are still more bird bodies just waiting for spindly legs, but tonight I'm taking a break.

As a small reward for returning to work I purchased a piece from a local artist, Kristinna Lahde, who turned a simple bank envelope into a lacey, fabric-like treasure under glass. Here is a great review of a much older exhibition, but I love the dress shirt piece pictured, and the essay is well written. I haven't been inspired by a gallery show in a long, long time and I must say - it was tremendously refreshing.


  1. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Love it all! You always had the most creative mind.

  2. Anonymous5:58 AM

    They are lovely, great colours !

  3. Samantha, I love the birds. What fabric did you use?

  4. samantha, I was just admiring your flock of birds again and noticed the shadows in the photos. It's a great picture, where were they posing?
