Wednesday, July 16, 2014

summer shawl

There was a point before Squam when I thought I could knit a whole shawl before leaving. It was an impossible idea, but at least it moved this project along. And now it's done, blocked and ready to wear (by who remains to be seen...Sadie quite liked wearing it for the photos).

The pattern is Vintage Bouquet by Dani Sunshine though I completely skipped the beautiful lace edging. I actually chose the pattern for that detail but eventually realized it wasn't really my style, whereas stripes with a solid garter edging totally is. Plus I'd knit way past the intended stitch count and I didn't feel like doing any math. The bonus? It was much easier to finish. As for the wool, I mixed Grignasco Jguaza that I picked up at Rosehaven Yarn Shop in Picton last summer with Cascade Heritage Silk. Even though they are quite different yarns they work well together and I love the colour combo. The Grignasco looks grey indoors but it's actually a soft lavender in natural light. The resulting fabric is drapey thanks to the heavier Grignasco, but soft because of the Cascade. And it also blocked nicely.

I kicked off my summer reading with something really light and entertaining. I often forget that we need these books as much as we need light movies (how else do you justify watching The Hangover 3?). The Girl Who Chased the Moon by Sarah Addison Allen was fun, fast and really the most perfect break from the stream of heavy novels I've been consuming. Summers are meant for a good dose of magical realism, not to mention characters who see silver sparkles when the scent of baking is in the air.

For other tales of knitting and reading, visit today's Yarnalong.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing is impossible all you need is a little faith. The shawl looks simple and the book looks wonderful. I have not read any good book for quite some time. Good share!
