Thursday, February 27, 2014

catch up

There's no such thing as too many cowls. Also - there's no such thing as too many knitted gifts. Combine these two thoughts and that's exactly what this cozy seed cowl is all about. Using Sweet Georgia's Superwash Chunky in a stormy grey semi-solid colour way, all that I have left to do is wrap up the garment and send it across the country to an old friend.

As for a reading update, I've been on a great run of fantastic novels and The Memory of Love was no exception. I loved Linda Olssen's Astrid & Veronika a few years back, but worried that my expectations might be too high. I shouldn't have worried - this novel was similarly quiet with a pace and storyline that was incredibly compelling. Marion, the main character, has a painful past stretching all the way back to her difficult childhood. Olsson reveals Marion's past slowly, taking us through her memories while we're getting to know Ika, the young, troubled boy that Marion feels uncharacteristically driven to protect. The parallel stories have equal parts despair and hope, but there's something so crisp and thoughtful about Olsson's writing that the despair never takes hold. I love her writing style so much, I ordered Olsson's other novel right after finishing. My expectations are likely even higher now but I don't think I'll worry this time.

For more knitting and reading stories, visit today's Yarnalong.


  1. I want to become your "old friend." The cowl is beautiful. The color is lovely.

  2. I agree the cowl is really beautiful.

  3. Seed stitch cowls are truly so special and yours looks lovely. Thanks for the book review ~ I'll have to check it out at my local library.

  4. I love the cowl Samantha, pattern & colour. As you know I also enjoyed "Astrid & Veronica", so hope you pass this one along. You are right, very compelling....

