Wednesday, January 15, 2014

sweet snoflinga, part 2

Another Snoflinga, this time with Sensation, an angora wool blend. It's such a beautiful grey/lavendar colour, though it may be a little too muted for Sadie's taste. If Sadie had her choice, I would have knit her the EXACT hat that Milo got, yarn and all. She hasn't really been wearing this one, so I may give in. She's not likely to want to match Milo for long, so I better take advantage of her unconditional, absolutely charming love for her little brother.

Just like before, I cast on 80 stitches instead of 90, but otherwise followed the pattern. It's simple, quick and the result is very satisfying.

I did forget a book last week! Unfortunately it's photographed with one I've already talked about, but Nancy Huston's The Mark of the Angel was quite riveting. The foreboding feeling that something was going to go terribly wrong lasted throughout every chapter. The characters were so well-developed, so real, that I was convinced Saffie was going to let her son slip through her fingers in some way or another. I felt relief every time young Emil lived through another day. Saffie's backstory is terrifying and the historical setting riveting. Although I was anxious for every page I really enjoyed the novel.

For more reading and knitting stories check out today's Yarnalong.


  1. That is the most darling hat! And I really love that color.

  2. Hello,

    I noticed that you did the snoflinga hat for a child. I have a question if you have a minute. I did my gauge swatch using the size 8 needles and got 4.5 stitches per inch, but realized it said to start with the size 6. Is the gauge for the size 6 needles? If I'm getting 4.5 inches for the size 8, should I start with those and then switch to 10? Also, the child's head that I am knitting this for is 20inch. Should I still cast on 80?

    Thanks for any advice you may have.
