Wednesday, November 20, 2013

sweet snoflinga

Milo's entry into Junior Kindergarten has resulted in the loss of 2 hats and one scarf - all handknit of course. But this doesn't upset me as much as it should because I see it as an opportunity to knit more.

Enter the Snoflinga hat pattern by Jenny Gordy. It's for adults but I followed a recommendation to cast on 80 stitches instead of 90 which worked out perfectly for Milo's 4 year old head. It's a simple design and the bobble row is so cute for a child's hat. The yarn I used is Malabrigo Rios in a deep blue (the colour reminds me of the Crayola crayon "midnight blue"). As much as I generally avoid blue, I can't help but admit the colour - in all its forms - really suits him. And luckily the hat has been making its way home every night this week. Fingers crossed this one lasts for a while.

As for reading, I'm working on Tell it to the Trees by Anita Rau Badami right now. It's my sixth Canadian Book Challenge entry and I'm really enjoying it so far. Hopefully I'll have it finished by next week's Yarnalong.

Happy reading and knitting!


  1. Anonymous11:12 PM

    I love the colours you used in the hat, just gorgeous! The book sounds very interesting too, I might have to get a copy of it.

  2. I love the bobbles on the hat. That's something I want to learn to make. I pinned this to my knitting board. It looks great!

  3. This is lovely! Did you do the same number of rows as the pattern? I'm looking to knit a few of these for kids for charity and I don't have a kid of my own to test sizing out on.

  4. @Alexandra W Hi Alexandra! I started the garter ridge about 4" from cast on edge - which is what the adult pattern calls for - and followed the pattern until after the bobbles and second garter ridge. But I probably started decreasing a little sooner, just a couple rows past that last garter ridge. I did the same thing for my daughter's version and in a pinch I can wear her hat, though it doesn't cover my ears entirely.

    Hope that helps!

  5. Awesome, thank you! :D
