Thursday, October 10, 2013

going green

Some patterns are addictive. Right now, the Dovetail cowl is my knitting vice. It's engaging but simple, practical but pretty. I love wearing mine and I love knitting it as a gift.

This very emerald green version is a gift for an awesome friend who was extra supportive this summer when I was working through a tough decision. Sadie and Milo actually picked the colour because: 1) they tell me I choose boring colours, and 2) they are convinced they know said friend's favourite colours best. They're probably right on both counts. Kids are wonderfully honest plus mine love getting to make choices in yarn shops, especially when it benefits one of their favourite people.

Reading has been slightly less addictive these days. I wasn't sure what to expect with Dance, Gladys, Dance by Cassie Stocks, but sometimes having no expectations is good. I took my time reading it and in the end it was quite entertaining, like a previously dismissed Hollywood movie you find yourself watching some Sunday afternoon, and when it's over you realize you really enjoyed it. Stock's characters were fun and charming, especially Mr. Hausselman. There were surprises, laughs and a fair share of heartbreak. Oh, and a very pleasant ghost. Overall a great addition to my Canadian reading list this year. The Art of Hearing Heartbeats by Jan-Philipp Sendkar I actually read a while ago but forgot, although it's anything but forgettable. The cover happens to be beautiful, but the story inside even more so. Just the thought that you could be so connected to another human that you would hear and recognize their heartbeat from a distance - ahh, it's romantic and profound and just the tip of the iceberg that is this novel. Highly recommended.

For more knitting and reading musings, visit today's Yarnalong.


  1. Sadie and Milo clearly have a great sense of color!!

  2. Very pretty cowl.

  3. I love your blog that I have just discovered! I love the beautiful yarn you use!
