Wednesday, January 23, 2013

knit and purl

Malabrigo Worsted + Dovetail Cowl pattern by Carina Spencer = knitting awesomeness. I adore this cowl! Most of my knitting choices are simple stretches of stockinette, seed stitch, maybe ribbing, so this pattern seemed pretty adventurous. But amazingly, it is all based on simple knit and purl stitches, and the suggestion of using stitch markers to define the pattern repeat made staying on track super easy. The final texture is spongey yet intricate and I can't imagine a nicer yarn for the project. This was knit as a gift but I'm so in love with the pattern that I'm pretty sure I will have to knit myself one. And did I mention it is reversible?

I started Freedom by Jonathan Franzen while I was knitting Dovetail and just finished it up this week. I've heard many good things about The Corrections so I think I'll have to try it before making a final decision on Franzen. There were some things I liked about Freedom, but I definitely struggled to finish it. The characters - purposely flawed - were hard to like and there were entire sections bogged down by description. Oh well.

For more knitting and reading love, visit today's Yarnalong.


  1. Oh your cowl looks gorgeous!! I tried Freedom, but I actually couldn't finish it.

  2. Malabrigo is one of my all-time favorite yarns and seeing your cowl affirms why! It's gorgeous. As for Franzen, whenever I finish one of his novels, I feel like I've accomplished a lot. ; )

  3. beautiful cowl, love the texture all the stitches make!

  4. thanks for sharing your project.
