Monday, August 27, 2012

moment in time

Two weeks into the reno and it's full-on chaos. I'm not yet used to having a toilet on the front lawn, but the resident "mighty machine" is a fun sight every morning.  It's the big gaping hole that's a little bit disconcerting.

This is that big gaping hole up close. Scary, right? I mean, that's the front door up there, a mere 8 inches from nothing. Not to mention I took this photo from a place previously underground. So weird.

Amidst the jackhammering and dust, I had a day alone in the house (well, alone from my family, not alone from a construction crew). With that time I finished up a quilt for Sadie. Now that Sadie and Milo share a room, I've been trying to make them similar-but-different bedding. I had a double size red corduroy quilt in storage so I cut it in half and then made a single patchwork border along one side. I chose different fabrics and binding to suit my lady and little guy, but the red is a nice, warm similarity. If their room is ever tidy I'll try and take a photo of the finished quilts. But that's a big if.

This is the wee work corner I have set up in Milo's old bedroom until the basement is finished. What you can't see is that I share this small space with the cat litter. Oh well, small sacrifices. At least during this chaos I can still make.

Only 4 and a half months to go.


  1. We recently went through a renovation like that. Hang in there. It will all be SO worth it in the end.

  2. we are doing one this year as well and I am so not looking forward to it.
    the end result-yes- the mess-not so much.
    It will all be worth it when it's finished.
    good luck.
