Wednesday, April 18, 2012

itty bitty knitting

Knitting for babies is the best. Who can argue with a quick project that ends with the world's cutest garment? But I have to admit, I took a while deciding what to knit for a soon-to-be-born April baby. I couldn't convince myself to knit a vest (what? have I lost my mind?) - something about the wee babe having to wait at least six months before wearing one was a hurdle for me. So I debated and debated and then finally settled on a short-lived pair of bootees. I mean, even if the baby wears them once it's still fun. And April can be chilly, right?

I used a free pattern called Swimmy's First Booties, which I loved immediately. The simple style means the wool gets to be the star, but it's also so easy to modify. The only mod I made was knitting the cuff longer and putting in two rows of 1x1 ribbing after the first three rows of stockinette to help battle the issue of booties falling off wiggly newborn feet. And although I have much to learn about grafting, the instructions found here at Knitty are quite amazing, and I actually tried garter grafting this time. I can't have a single distraction while doing it, but it's not as scary as it sounds.

On the reading front, I can't believe this is the first time I've read Stephanie Pearl-McPhee's writing.  For one, she's a knitter, and second - she lives in my city! Seriously, it's like I live on Mars sometimes. But I can't say enough about how much I've enjoyed this book. I love that knitters share the same quirks and the same experiences (oh, and I love that she lives in a small Toronto house, so I can also relate to her homefront issues, like where to store yarn when you have no closets). Reading this book has been like having a knitting friend in my house for the past two weeks, and I'll be lonely when it ends. Jay has never really been one to entertain conversations with me about the activity I do EVERY DAY. I guess I'll just have to grab another one of Stephanie's books, or at least start reading her blog.

For a healthy dose of knitting and reading inspiration, visit this week's Yarnalong over at Ginny's.


  1. I love the booties and you made me curious about the book as well! thanks for the suggestion

  2. I have baby knits on my mind these days and, no, I'm not expecting! My two are teens and I love them just the way they are but their feet are no longer so small to wear those adorable booties. Love how yours turned out - so smooshy! Stephanie makes me,laugh, too.

  3. my sister adores reading stephanie's blog. i have a hard time reading a lot of text on the computer screen... too add, i guess! but maybe i'll have to try again!

  4. Yes, you should totally be reading her blog and her older books. There is nothing like someone who you can relate to in knitting disasters and triumphs!

  5. those are the cutest baby booties ever. now i am the last person ever to read a book by stephanie! must fix that.
