Sunday, January 01, 2012

hoot-y new year

In the blink of an eye, it's another new year. And my only resolution - if it can even be called that - is to continue making things. Fun, handmade things that are meant to be used. Owls to be loved and clothes to be worn. This gentle activity keeps me sane as the days and years speed by and the most wonderful bonus is that a love for making has already migrated to Sadie. I think the highlight of my holidays was taking Sadie to the Museum for Textiles here in Toronto and watching her fall in love with the weaving looms. I sat across the room knitting with their sample needles and wool glancing secretly at her while she sat at the loom happily moving the shuttle back and forth while alternating the lever and beater (and I may be getting these parts wrong - I know very little about weaving). She has knit and done a little embroidery, but she simply fell into a rhythm while weaving and it was so amazing to witness. She's been talking about weaving ever since, a conversation I'm more than happy to be a part of. And so we may start the new year with a cardboard loom project. New year = new textile craft.

The owl above is from the Purl Bee's free Big Snowy Owl pattern. As simple as the pattern was, I used lighter weight wool and smaller needles and had to rip back twice because I was making him way too big. Then I think I made the eyes one round too large but I just went with it. He was finished up the night before Christmas Eve, so at that point I couldn't be too picky. I used Berroco's Vintage Chunky to make him extra durable since I read that this owl often doubles as a pillow (he's been hanging out in Milo's crib since Christmas so I can already vouch for that claim). Oh, and I also ignored the stitch pattern in the body. I wanted to keep everything simple before Christmas, especially in my knitting. But now it's a new year and I can get back to small challenges in my making. Like attempting a sliding cable in this Graystone sweater pattern. That and some weaving and we're all set to begin 2012.

Happy New Year!