Sunday, January 22, 2012


Classic foolishness: I complain about having a small house and then make something that needs a lot of room.

My big Christmas project for the kids - the one that I finished at 2am on Christmas Eve - is this teepee. Large sewing projects like this are especially daunting to me because I never have enough space to really know if I've cut the pieces properly. This partly explains why I was still sewing before Santa arrived; until that point I couldn't even set the dowels up where the teepee was going to live to make sure I had the right shape. But I'm also a procrastinator, so that explains the rest.

The bulk of the fabric is from a painter's drop cloth and I used homemade bias tape for all the edges. The opening flap is a little small but luckily the kids don't close it anyway (phew). We put a yoga mat at the bottom and then set four 24"x24" cushions inside to make a big a square floor which also keeps the dowels in place. I've piled a couple of quilts on top, creating a soft haven for the cats. Cats? Yes - I never quite realized they would think this new fort was for them. Again, more foolishness.

So all in all, this wasn't an idea totally thought through, but the result is pretty cute. And loved - by creatures big and small. I think that's enough reason for me to live with some extra clutter for the time being.


  1. I love it! You can even take it outdoors in the summer. I think it's fantastic.

  2. Love it, can u make one of my future puppies..

  3. I love the teepee but you knew I would. Hope it's still up when I come on Thursday.

  4. Oh wow it's so cute! Is it weird that I have a huge urge to make an adult-size one in my living room? lol!
