Tuesday, March 29, 2011


To make up for missing an adult party I hosted, Jay and I told Sadie we would have a Family Party the following day. She was super excited (as any 6 year old girl probably would be) and the next thing I knew there was a list on the chalkboard. Turns out all you need for a Family Party is a few key essentials - so it was easy to fulfill...and I love that baked goods is a separate item from desserts (aka daserts). We put together a Sadie and Milo playlist, danced around the house with balloons, and ate sushi and sweet things. It was awesome.

And speaking of lists, now that I'm back to reading regularly, I feel like I need to document what I've read because it would seem that I've hit that embarrassing age where you forget if you read that book or not. Also, sometimes it's nice to see a list to know that losing sleep for the sake of wonderfully written words is worth it since the sheer volume can be satisfying. But I don't want to do that here, and thanks to this post I've just learned about Shelfari.  Anyone out there use it and like it, or is there a better, less social-media like option for cataloguing such lists? Clearly I could just make an Excel sheet but that seems so dull. And colourless. And practically anti-technology.



  1. I forget everything these days. It's kind of nice because I'm about to re-read East of Eden. My absolute favorite book and I can't remember a thing! Joy!!!

    Also, we celebrate New Years Eve every year with the kids and Luca makes such a cute list of must have's. We let them pick out the menu and Rocco always makes sure there are goodie bags.

  2. Found your blog via SMS pool on Flickr, and I've been poking at posts for the past 10 minutes. Love what you've got going on here :) Especially love the vest knitting pattern!
