Sunday, March 13, 2011

9 years later

Before we moved into our house, we tore apart our one and only bathroom. That was 2002, and although it hasn't been a construction zone for these past 9 years, we never actually finished the room. The paint job was half done, one wall needed repair, and the first sink we installed kept rusting even though we'd had it reglazed.

I should stress that this is a very small bathroom (and yes, it has to work for 4 people). We don't have room for a regular size sink so the replacement search took a while. But we finally found a new sink that was small in depth, but nice and wide. There was no counter in the original bathroom so we installed an 8" deep chunk of pine (it had been a friend's outdoor step) that works very well as a surface for "things".

Another space saving trick was recessing a medicine cabinet into the wall before the drywalling was done - we can hide oodles of junk in there. We then hung a real cabinet above the toilet for more storage, painting it the same colour as all the woodwork so that it takes up less space visually. In the mirror in the photo above you can see a wall next to the cabinet that has a window in it. The original bathroom had nothing to enclose the bathtub - just a wraparound shower curtain. We put up this wall instead, adding a window so we could get light through and also make the tub space feel a bit bigger. Oh yeah, we have a smaller than normal tub too. Thank goodness we have shops in Toronto that carry small size European products.

The curtain panel is my most recent sewing project. I used the same linen that I'd made the shower curtain out of, but I really wanted to add a bit of colour since the whole room is basically white (Para New Cameo white for the woodwork, Benjamin Moore Collingwood for the walls). The single line of patches is just enough colour and it doesn't cross the too-cute line for Jay. But I think the key decision - the one that pulls the whole room together - is painting the door black. We intend to paint all our upstairs doors black, but this is only the second one we've completed. But wow, does it ever make a difference. I think the paint guys were afraid when I said the black oil paint I was buying was for our bathroom, but I'm so happy with it.

So there it is, a finished bathroom. So finished we can even have a little fun decorating. After staying at the Farmer's Daughter hotel in LA Jay was smitten with their vintage Kleenex boxes. Ebay to the rescue and now we have one which not only looks great, but keeps a Kleenex box off of our limited surfaces. All in all, a bathroom that I'm happy to keep clean.

And let's face it, at only 4 1/2 feet across, it doesn't take me that long.


lamb-things said... [Reply to comment]

The bathroom looks great and I especially like the black door.

C.E.R. said... [Reply to comment]

Love it all...but especially the curtain and the door. SUPER job!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Love the new curtain and kleenx box!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Love the sink. Can you please tell me name and model? Looking for something similar for our tiny "family" bathroom. Thanks!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Hi Sam,
We're also looking for a sink like this for our london victorian home. Please could you let me know the details too please?

Thanks so much!

sam lamb said... [Reply to comment]

Hi Alexia,

The sink is by Globo and we purchased it at Roman Bath here in Toronto. But it's definitely a European brand, so should be easier to find in the UK (unless you mean London, Ontario!). Their website isn't that friendly, but here's the link:

Good luck!

Marcus Sheppard said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for sharingg this