Tuesday, February 22, 2011


My little girl rocks. I was sad about something that happened today and so Sadie left me a note next to my knitting. Thank goodness I have a six year old in the house to remind me of what's really important. Like heartbreaking messages in funky handwriting on miniature tablets.

And in other interesting Sadie news, this was just sitting on our desk:

Do you think someone might have an early love of shoes? I know one thing for sure - I have got to get myself some "high hell" shoes.


  1. Just stopping by quickly. High hell shoes - fantastic.

  2. Sadie is just the dearest wee soul, isn't it just like her to be always thinking of someone else? It must have brought tears to your eyes, it did mine. Yea, lets see those high hell shoes eh?

  3. Your daughter is so lovely. Her letter she made is very inspiring.It really show that she is sincere to what she done. Her was so great..

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  4. I loved reading this post today... I had a similar day where Luca amazed me with her subtle kindness. Tears.

  5. Just precious. Nice that you have this blog to save such moments! Life gets busy and you forget.
