Sunday, October 17, 2010

first hoodie

After making these pants, there was just enough of the $3 men's sweatshirt left over to try a hoodie for Milo. Correction: there wasn't quite enough so I had to add in brown jersey left over from this romper. Suffice to say, I made Milo a hoodie. And it won't be the last.

I've been known to own up to 5 black hoodies at one time - they are just that versatile and comfortable (the "in action" shot of Milo makes me think he feels the same way). What I quickly learned about sewing one is that attaching a hood means less finishing of the neck. So putting one of these together takes pretty much the same amount of time as a shirt, but I have to say the result is way cuter. I do have to figure out the front neckline though. It's a bit bulky, but I've slept on the dilemma for a few nights and I think I know how to re-draw the pattern (though I have one more bulky version to share first). The wide band was an accidental design feature but I quite like it and it led to adding the front pocket which is open on both sides in case Milo ever figures out he can put his hands (or random small toy) in there.

Overall, another garment that is quick - and totally satisfying - to sew. And this was a fun photo shoot with Milo even if he couldn't sit still. The best shot doesn't even show the hoodie, but it's a definite keeper. What a funny little guy.


  1. I am so jealous of your sewing skills. I haven't tried sewing any knits yet, though I would love to. Do you use a serger? You've probably mentioned that already...

  2. You are so good! Totally cute! PS: Have a look at my latest blog-post.

  3. @Steph
    Hey Steph - I was scared of knits for SO long and it turns out they aren't scary at all. The serger definitely makes a difference (and stretch needles for the sewing machine) and the great thing is that knit fabrics are forgiving in fit - so they come together quickly. After all the pants you've made you should totally try it!
