Friday, September 17, 2010

chalk love

Fact: Sadie draws a lot. Another fact: we never have enough paper in the house. So, when a corner of the living/computer/front room became empty - and there were holes in the wall that needed repainting - we decided to make it a chalkboard instead. Obviously this is not a new idea at all, but it was totally fun and had us questioning our sanity when I started rolling the inky black paint on the wall Sunday night at 10pm. Two coats and a thoroughly aired out house later and Sadie LOVES it.

As a before and after (above), it's quite a dramatic improvement in an awkward corner space. So far, we have played many games of hangman and the drawings change daily. Even Milo has been at it, though he's really only drawing rain and most of the time we find chalk in his mouth. Sadie has tried to make him her student (the child's desk pretty much screams for that kind of role-playing) but he doesn't sit still for too long.

Overall, it's a total winner. And for now, we'll just have to figure out how to live with a whole lot of chalk dust.


  1. Love it! It's funny though, from the picture I can't figure out where it is in the front room. You'll just have to invite me over soon.

  2. Marla7:58 AM

    It's beautiful, and it looks like an installation!

    You can buy dustless chalk at teacher supply stores (like Scholar's Choice on Mt. Pleasant) - or, what Josephine loves most - wet the chalk with a spray bottle before using it. If you really soak it, it's more like using oil pastels. The colour is more intense and it goes on thicker.

    You can make "chalk paint" for outside, with 1/4 cup of cornstarch, food colouring and 1/4 cup of water.

  3. Your kids are really lucky...
