Sunday, June 20, 2010


It is going to take me a while to figure out this whole being-back-at-work thing. Two weeks in and I only have remnants of energy after the kids are in bed. The sofa calls my name (along with a bowl of popcorn) and I ignore even my knitting needles. But on the weekend I squeezed in a little sewing for Milo because having extra summer clothes for him means less frequent laundry for me. I re-drafted Milo's pants pattern for woven fabrics though I should shorten the rise for the next pair. I had some denim scraps from shortening jeans for myself and I thought they made cute kneepads, plus the colour looked great on the gray linen I had. And the t-shirt is the craziest Father's Day gift out there: Jay found this vintage t-shirt last summer and requested that I make something for Milo out of it. A year later and the request has been filled and being Father's Day today, Milo is going to wear it for his Dad, even though it sort of implies that he is a Dad. That would be the twisted part of the gift, and hopefully we'll get some unusual looks when we venture out in public.

Fingers crossed that my body and mind adjust soon to this new schedule. Time spent making is just way too important to lose.


  1. wow. back at work and sewing. the t-shirt looks great. I love re-using old t-shirts for kids clothes.
